
Dormakaba Evolo Smart

Come in – and organise your accesses fast and easy

Evolo Smart for small businesses – making access smart and flexible.

Whether it’s for new employees, service providers who need access, or lost access media: with evolo smart, you can easily control access with your smartphone. You always keep track of everything and can react quickly and flexibly if needed.

That’s how evolo smart makes your work easier.

Evolo Smart for your private home – you decide who can enter.​​​​​​​

It doesn’t matter whether your own child, your new partner, the nanny, the cleaning staff or the neighbours need access. With evolo smart, you can manage all this easily and flexibly in one app.

That’s how evolo smart makes your life easier.

Dormakaba Evolo Smart App​​​​​​​

Download for free​​​​​​​

You can download our Dormakaba Evolo Smart app for free in the Google Playstore and in the Apple Store.


With Evolo Smart app you can easily control access to your building. You can program and delete access media for up to 50 users with your smartphone. You don’t need an internet connection as the system runs offline.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9


