
Triomf TS38 Hybrid Safe

Can be opened and closed with a mobile device or keypad.

It allows the user to open and close the electronic safe with a 4-digit code or with a mobile device (smartphone, tablet, iPad) via Bluetooth through the intuitive App Triomf Smart Safe.

Its exclusive Smart Audit allows to register the last 250 operations performed in the safe and transfer them to your mobile device with details of date, time and device used in each operation.


SKU: TRIOMF-TS38-HYBRID Categories: ,



  • Interior LED light
  • Emergency opening with Master code via Bluetooth
  • Emergency opening with maximum security mechanical key
  • TFT Display of 1,77 inch
  • ADA compliant keypad
  • Automatic door opening (by spring)
  • Activation key (ideal for rental)
  • Register the last 250 operations performed in the safe
  • Bluetooth 4.1 BLE
  • Electronic monobloc closing system.

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      63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


      +12 (0) 345 678 9

