
Saflok SR3 (Guestroom)

Saflok SR3 model is a lock kit that provides flexibility to properties seeking for an elegant and unique design for guestrooms. This solution allows designers to install the SR Series RFID reader behind a third party wall plate, while fitting customized lever sets and privacy thumb turn hardware on the door. The SR3 solution provides a minimalistic solution without requiring a full-body lock or RFID reader on the door.

  • Elegant, unique design
  • Installed behind a third-party wall plate
  • No reader or lock on the door
  • Online wireless integration, with Messenger LENS


Saflok SR3

  • Contactless smart card reader leverages Mifare Classic or Mifare Plus credentials
  • High security and tamperproof design
  • Tracking mortise for door ajar reporting
  • Compatible with Messenger LENS

The reader is installed behind a third party decorative wall plate

The following dormakaba components are needed for a full functionality of the SR3 model:

Core Package:
Ambiance Access Management Software
Dormakaba RFID encoder
Dormakaba Maintenance Unit
Keycards and/or credentials

Saflok Messenger Lens, for online capabilities
A dormakaba Mobile Access Solution Program

The SR3 is ideal for guestroom solutions and new construction projects.

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      63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


      +12 (0) 345 678 9

