
Remote lock for a code for apartment vG-BL6

Electronic lock with the code vG-BL6 is used to secure the entrance door to the apartments and any premises for short-term rental. It is operated with the TTlock application, in which you can generate codes for a specified period of time, add proximity cards, check the history of events, check the statistics of entries and presence of its users, and control the battery level. The vG-BL6 combination lock has a very narrow plate with a width of 38 mm, which allows mounting on narrow-profile doors. An additional advantage of our handle is the increased degree of IP protection, which is 65, which allows you to work outside. The SMS code lock has a built-in mechanical insert for emergency opening and a special input for emergency power supply. When purchasing a larger quantity, it is possible to prepare a plate with a puncture for a cylindrical insert in the spacings of 72, 85, 90 and 92 mm.


Product details

  • Dimensions: 280*135*38mm
  • Access: TTlock APP, PIN code, Mifare 13.56MHz card, fingerprint (to order)
  • Montage: Steel, wooden doors
  • Kit accessories: External signboard with Bluetooth module and proximity card reader / internal signboard with a mechanical handle and a battery compartment / cylinder insert with two keys / set of screws / two pins with 8mm lock
  • Management: Via the TTlock application or the vG-lock Management software
  • Finishing: Powder coated steel, PVC, tempered glass
  • Available Colors: Silver, Black, Golden

Works for:

  • PIN code
  • Mifare card 13,56MHz
  • TTlock app
  • Emergency key
  • Fingerprint (to order)

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      63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


      +12 (0) 345 678 9

