
Gateway vGateway 2 WiFi

The vGateway 2 WiFi gateway allows remote management of locks from anywhere in the world. The vGateway 2 WiFi gateway works with remote code locks for the vG-Lock series apartments. The gate is used to connect the lock system with the TTLock and TThotel applications. TTlock gateway transmits Blutooth signal to WiFi and vice versa.


Product details

What does the vGateway 2 WiFi internet vGateway give us?

  • Access to the current history of events in which all entries via Bluetooth and code, incorrectly entered codes, battery status, etc. are located.
  • Possibility of remote code removal – in the case when the guest leaves the apartment earlier.
  • You can modify and extend the validity of the password.
  • The ability to generate your own short code containing between 4 and 8 characters.
  • The ability to generate one common code for the main entrance (vG-BLreader) and the apartment (for example vG-BL1).
  • Synchronizing time on locks with time on your system.


What are the requirements for installing the vGateway 2 WiFi?

  • In order for the vGateway to work, you must have WiFi in your property.
  • The vGateway must be connected to a Wi-Fi network and be located maximum 25 meters from the Wi-Fi network Router and maximum 12 meters from vG locks with which you want to connect.
  • The vGateway must also be connected to a 110 or 230 V AC power socket.


How does vGateway 2 WiFi work (what does it do)?

The gateway sends and receives a TCP / IP data stream from the phone / application (remotely) via Internet / broadband router in your property and converts it into Bluetooth signals for communication with vG-locks (locally)

Mr LockSmith - Gateway vGateway 2 WiFi diagram

Power supply: 5V USB
Dimensions: 70*70*26mm
Network: WiFi 2.4G
IEEE Standards: 802.11 b/g/n
Finishing: ABS
Power interface: USB type C
Warranty: 2 years

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