

Mr LockSmith - Convex Logo

CONVEX is a Greek company, with highest of standards, specializing in production of handles, knobs etc. for doors since 1991. Convex is a vertically integrated unit and all phases of production are conducted within its own facilities.

The company’s products are:

  • Handles and knobs for doors,
  • Furniture handles and knobs
  • By utilizing the full potential of its facilities, Convex can manufacture custom made products


The philosophy of Convex can best be described as a four-pillared model. Creativity, Innovation, Technology and Passion. All products are embodying these core values and thus their quality and endurance is ensured. Convex is a production unit based on modern technological and artistic dynamics and is constantly trying to improve and evolve further.

With this careful approach, Convex manufactures pioneering products of high aesthetic value and has managed to be globally recognized and distinguished for its quality. Furthermore, Convex has won design awards (2055, Red Dot Design Award 2013) thanks to the company’s talented team of designers.

What we have succeeded with CONVEX

Using CONVEX, we have succeeded in creating high quality Handles with Thumb Turn for the PIXEL lock by DORMAKABA, with various colors and designs, always along the lines of what is actually needed for the high standards of the lock.

With this partnership, we are in the position to create the same handles and finishes for both electric locks as well as for interior doors (and in general for the entire building), securing same design and aesthetics for all doors.

You can find more information for CONVEX products on their website.

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      63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


      +12 (0) 345 678 9

